Communicable diseases, also known as infectious diseases or transmissible diseases, are illnesses that result from the infection, presence and growth of pathogenic biologic agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasites and prions) in an individual human or other animal host. Infections may range in severity from asymptomatic (no symptoms) to severe and fatal. Transmission of these biologic agents can occur in a variety of ways, including direct physical contact with an infectious person, consuming contaminated foods or beverages, contact with contaminated body fluids, contact with contaminated inanimate objects, airborne (inhalation), or being bitten by an infected insect or tick. Some disease agents can be transmitted from animals to humans, and some of these agents can be transmitted in more than one way.

Some of these Communicable Diseases are required by law in Ohio to be reported to your local health department. The list of diseases that are required to be reported are found on the ODH website.

Reporting a Communicable/Infectious Disease

Please click the button below to report any of the reportable communicable/infectious diseases to CCCHD. Any additional lab work or paperwork can be faxed to our secure fax line at 937-390-5626.

If you would rather complete the “old” Ohio Confidential Reportable Disease form, please click here and fax it to CCCHD at 937-390-5626. This fax is a secure fax.

Clark County Communicable/Infectious Disease Reports

Current Communicable/Infectious Disease Outbreak(s) in Clark County

  • There are no current outbreaks in Clark County.

Communicable/Infectious Disease Resources

Nursing Phone: 937-390-5600

Secure Nursing Fax: 937-390-5626

Anna Jean Sauter (x267)

Helaina LeCaptain (x256)

Amy Hodik (x237)

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