For Registrations, Inspections and Permits visit:
For a number of years the Clark County Combined Health District (CCCHD) has contracted with Champaign County Health Department to provide plumbing inspection services. Due to the retirement of the plumbing inspector, Rick Jewell, we have been working diligently to put into place a new plan for plumbing permitting and inspection services.
After careful consideration, CCCHD has selected the Union County Health Department to provide plumbing permitting and inspection services beginning January 1, 2025. Union County will provide services for both commercial and residential plumbing work.

All registrations, plan reviews, permit applications, and inspections will be completed through Union County’s online system called OpenGov. You can also pay for your permits and plan reviews using this system as well. This system can be accessed on a computer or on any mobile device through a web browser.
To complete your registration for 2025, please visit beginning on December 2, 2024.