In 2006, Ohio residents passed Issue 5 and made their state the 12th in the nation to protect the general public from secondhand smoking in workplaces and other public places. In compliance with this law, affected business owners and those in charge of public places should educate themselves and their employees about the policy. Business and public places should also:
- Enforce the law by prohibiting public smoking
- Place no-smoking signs at entrances or borders of public places
- Remove ashtrays and other tobacco receptacles
Under certain conditions, some locations may be exempt. These exceptions include private residences, family-owned businesses without non-family employees, specific locations in nursing homes, outdoor patios and some retail tobacco stores
The health risks of secondhand smoke are researched and well documented by professionals like the U.S. Surgeon General. If you are a smoker, the link to the Ohio Department of Health below has resources to help you quit. If you have any questions regarding the law and how it is enforced, contact the CCCHD at 937-390-5600 with your questions.
Smoking violations can be reported to the Clark County Combined Health District at 937-390-5600, ext. 258, or by calling the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Ohio Smoke-Free Workplace Help Desk at 1-866-559-OHIO (6446), in accordance with Chapter 3794 of the Ohio Revised Code. You can also email
When reporting a smoking violation, you will need the name of the business, street address, date and nature of the violation, approximate time of the violation, the location where the violation occurred inside the business, and any other information relating to the violation. This information is processed thru the ODH Ohio Smoke-Free Workplace database and then assigned to the local health district for investigation. All letters are sent out according to status of violation.