Public Records

Pertinent Clark County Combined Health District (CCCHD) records are made available for public disclosure according to Ohio Sunshine Laws and the Freedom of Information Act. This policy covers the CCCHD and all its divisions: Administration, Environmental Health, Help Me Grow/Early Childhood and Nursing.

To make a request from our public records, contact our office’s Public Records Custodian, Shannon Hackathorne at 937-390-5600 ext. 291. You can also make requests via email by sending them to

Requests will be accommodated during regular business hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.  Monday through Friday. Verbal requests are acceptable; however, requests in writing may aid the Public Records Custodian in identifying, locating and delivering the requested documents more easily.
For copying fees, denial restrictions and other details regarding public records policy, click here.