Reproductive Health & Wellness Clinic:

                                         STD/HIV TESTING

 Click the link below for information on SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE/INFECTIONS.

Click the link below for FREE AT-HOME HIV TEST KITS, FREE ACCESS TO PREP, AND FREE CONDOMS! Condoms and At-Home HIV Test Kits are available to be mailed directly, and discreetly, to the home or desired address of any person 16 or older living in the state of Ohio!


The Clark County Combined Health District is committed to equipping our clients with the information and resources they need to avoid or manage sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Exam and testing are available for STDs including Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Prevention

In order to prevent HIV in Clark County, the Healthy Life Skills for HIV Prevention program is designed to teach attitude and behavior skills which aim to decrease and ultimately halt the spread of HIV in Clark County and beyond. Educational presentations, workshops, testing and counseling services are provided to aid in this effort.

Our HIV Oraquick state tests are a free service provided through the Sexual Health & Wellness Clinic for qualified individuals. Those who choose to have a test can be assured that their results are kept confidential.  HIV blood tests are available in the clinic also. The HIV test looks for HIV antibodies in your body. If you have antibodies, your test results will be positive and this may indicate that you have been infected with HIV and confirmatory testing will be needed. If you don’t have antibodies, your test will be negative and this means one of two things: You don’t have HIV or you have been infected with HIV, but your body hasn’t made antibodies yet.  

Rarely, a test result is neither negative nor positive. When this happens, the test must be done again.  It is important to understand that HIV testing involves something called The Window Period.  It usually takes up to 1 month after infection for the body to make HIV antibodies.  In rare cases, it can take  up to 6 months.  This time is called “ the “window period”.  Your sexual history will help to determine how if a re-test for HIV is needed and what time period will need to pass before the retest.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Information

Tests for chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, syphilis, and other STD’s are available through our Sexual Health & Wellness Clinic at the health district.  Fees for the service/tests vary based on a sliding fee scale.  Payment is requested at time of visit.  Up to half the people who have a STD have no symptoms and yet can pass it on to their partner/s.  Testing is not just for someone experiencing symptoms.  You should get tested if you have been sexually active or are entering into a new relationship.  It is important to make sure your partner gets tested as well.

If you have more questions regarding sexually transmitted disease, you can call us at the Health District and speak with one of our knowledgeable nurses. If you wish to do your own research, you can start by visiting the web pages below:

**Notice: Vaccine protection for males with the Gardasil series may be given beginning at age 9 through 26 years of age to reduce their likelihood of genital warts and anal cancer.

CCCHD has partnered with the Local Public Health Services Collaborative, LLC and is able to accept more insurances than previously for these services.  Click on the link below to see a list of participating providers.

Local Public Health Services, LLC List of participating payors

Insurance benefits vary and verification of insurance does not guarantee payment for services.  It is up to the individual to know their own insurance coverage.

A sliding fee scale is used to determine costs to those that do not have insurance or for those with insurance that we cannot bill.  Clients meeting state guidelines will not be turned away for inability to pay.

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