Solid waste is any unwanted natural or manmade junk item like bags of garbage, tires, litter, household rubbish, cardboard, street dirt, junk furniture, bedsprings and junk appliances. Clark County Combined Health District is an Approved Health District and has jurisdiction over Ohio EPA solid waste regulations in Clark County.
To get more information on the services and programs listed below, contact the CCCHD at (937) 390-5600.
Composting Facilities
What is composting? Composting is a smart and environmentally friendly way of dealing with yard wastes. Composting transforms organic wastes from gardens, flowerbeds, and lawns into a valuable soil amendment that leads to faster-growing and healthier plants.
What is a composting facility? A composting facility is an operation that is either registered or licensed by the Ohio EPA or the local health district to receive waste products, produce compost and distribute it to the public.Click
here for a list of local composters.
How do I become a composting facility? Information on obtaining permits and licenses for solid waste composting facilities may be obtained at the
Ohio EPA website or by calling (937) 390-5600.Click
here for the composter license application.
Construction and Demolition Debris Facilities
What is construction & demolition debris? Construction and demolition debris are the waste items produced when manmade structures are built or demolished and includes items like waste wood, insulation, siding, and roofing.
What is a construction & demolition debris facility? A construction & demolition debris facility is an operation that is either registered or licensed by the Ohio EPA or the local health district to receive waste items.
How do I become a construction & demolition debris facility? Information on obtaining permits and licenses for C & DD facilities may be obtained at the
Ohio EPA website or by calling (937) 390-5600.
For a current facility:Springfield Landfill C & DD Landfill2600 Mechanicsburg Road937-629-0551For a list of our
open facilities,
click here.