Prevent. Promote. Protect. Nursing & Health Education

Nursing & Health Education

Nursing & Health Education

Take charge of your health by getting tested, being aware of genetic and environmental risks and monitoring your wellness.

Help us help you by coming in for our screenings when you have particular health concerns. We have information about anything you may need–clinic times, resources, helpful links, any associated fees, screening procedures and more.

Get started by clicking one of the links on the left to get more information on the screenings we offer. Then, when you’re ready to make an appointment or if you have more specific questions, give us a call: 937-390-5600.  We are open Monday thru Friday – 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Due to the Coronavirus we have altered some of our clinical service days and hours.

Please call 937-390-5600 to verify the current status.

Thank you!


The Clark County Combined Health District has partnered with the

Local Public Health Services Collaborative, LLC .

This partnership has affected our electronic medical record system as well as our fee schedule.  

We hope that you understand this may increase wait times as well as our ability to quote pricing due to the varying circumstances of each service.

Click on the link below to see if you insurance is on our list of participating providers:

Local Public Health Services, LLC List of Participating Payors for Clark County

Insurance and eligibility benefits vary.  Verification of insurance is not a guarantee of payment. It is up to each individual to know their own insurance coverage.


Thank you!

The Nursing Division at CCCHD